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Exhibitions are an ideal way to reach those who need to know about our products and consequently we frequently appear at numerous venues nation-wide. So far this year the Testa Teres exhibition team (headed by our sales and marketing director Nina) has attended the following exhibitions:


bullet.jpg (381 bytes) The ENVIRONERGY Exhibition at Southport (Spring ) was a chance to meet our local council friends old and new.  The highlight of the day occurred when one of our partnering Councils Chester City was declared 'Best Council' in terms of Energy Saving Performance.  We are proud to be partnered by them and to be part of their energy-saving programme.

bullet.jpg (381 bytes) The 'Science Week' exhibition at Garstang was a relatively small one but of interest because we attended on behalf of our 'home' Partner Council - Wyre Borough and Testa Teres as a joint initiative (Nina pictured below with the Mayor and Lady Mayor) at the Wyre/Testa Teres stand. 



bullet.jpg (381 bytes) The HECA EAST Conference and Exhibition in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire was held in February .  The event was staged at Green Holt Animal Centre which provided a very different and interesting environment. Between seminars Nina and her team toured the animal sanctuary to get acquainted with the excellent work being done by the (mainly) volunteers, and the very varied inmates, from ponies to dogs, cats and rabbits at the smaller end of the scale.  A very worthwhile exhibition with old friends being met (Essex Councils) and new ones being made (both human and four-footed!).


Exhibition 1

bullet.jpg (381 bytes) The 7th N.H.E.R. Conference and exhibition was held at the former Post House Hotel, Birmingham, April .  The national HENRY awards were presented at the evening dinner and a disco followed which although loud did not appear to inhibit the essential networking activities too seriously!

bullet.jpg (381 bytes) The HECA Annual Conference and Exhibition this year is to be held on 27 & 28 May at the former Moat House Hotel in Birmingham.  Testa Teres will be there to meet HECA officers - some familiar and some new - to demonstrate the benefits of the unique Testa Teres Insulation System, especially in respect of hard to heat homes.

The team has generated great interest in the Testa Teres product range and cultivated many new friends whilst trying to champion the environmentally friendly and energy efficient qualities of our products. The hard work put into these endeavours has heightened the awareness of the relevant bodies of the positive aspects of Testa Teres system (a big thanks to Kim and Nina :)  

Attending these exhibitions has generated a considerable amount of work for our company and we have been pleasantly surprised by the reception and attention our products receive from the attendant public and professionals alike.

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