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  1.jpg (692 bytes)  PRODUCT INFORMATION   

The Testa Teres System combines the best of new materials with tried and tested existing pebble-dash render and similar techniques applied to wall finishes. However, with traditional pebble-dash rendering the backing coats are of sand and cement which rely upon the suction of the various coats for adhesion and unfortunately, too much suction weakens the render coat and it becomes powdery, whilst too little suction gives inadequate key to the wall.
The Testa Teres system has a specially developed polymerised system with controlled suction and can be applied to almost any surface after suitable preparation, being bonded to the substrate with resin primers.   Unlike traditional sand/cement renders it is weather resistant and able to tolerate significant degrees of expansion and contraction.

Testa Teres by comparison is much lighter, has more body and is enhanced by liquid polymers containing less water and therefore is able to stand proud of the wall at much greater thickness'. These important features allows for a completely new concept in rendering, such as multiple coats of Testa Teres being applied without shrinkage, cracking or loss of adherence to the surface. With Testa Teres materials we are able to produce a ‘same day’ finish on to the very best and smoothest substrate, and also on to the worst and roughest of surfaces, including solid or existing renders. The top coat can be dashed with our unique Testa Teres aggregate and colours matched to surrounding brick work, alternatively a top coat without aggregate may be preferred, to produce existing styles or traditional finishes such as alpine or mineralite. For these finishes Testa Teres Rendascore is used.


The crystallite finishes provided by our materials also provide attractive internal decorative wall surfaces (in addition to our external wall coatings) and can be tinted to match the palettes of the world’s leading paint manufacturers. Any colour so produced is inherent to the render and therefore permeates it as opposed to merely treating the surface.In recent years we have successfully developed an external cladded render system named Testa Teres Insulation System , which gives greatly improved U-Values, together with aesthetic qualities which remain durable, crisp, flat and clean for many years.
Testa Teres can be produced in a variety of colours and textured finishes including shell dash, stone dash, "alpine", plain face, stone effect with raised panels and a fine dash "Mineralite" effect. The material is manufactured under factory controlled conditions and comprises dry cementatious powders with other blended aggregates, and separate liquid polymers together with binders which contain fungicide additives, etc. Wet and dry materials are mixed together using hand operated electrical stirrer type paddles and this eliminates the normal inconsistencies of site mixing and gauging of sand and cement.
The Testa Teres products, including the Insulation System are protected by BRITISH PATENT NO: 2190385 and Agrement Board Certification has been issued for Testa Teres Rendascore and Testa Teres Insulation System

Testa Teres Rendascore sample colours

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